My First Freelance Year (and a half).|
1. Setting up as self employed .|
Registering as self employed:
Writing an invoice:
Filling out a tax return:
2. The projects and how I got to be a part of them .|
Reckless Sleepers (The Last Supper, Negative Space, Schrödinger)
In Between Time Festival
Flare Festival
Living Pictures (Diary of a Madman)
Workshops: Contact Young Company, Play in a Day, Sync. One2 Festival
3. Things I've learnt... .|
Social Media:
- Twitter can be a useful tool - set up a professional profile and just follow theatre stuff, it becomes a feed fun of useful opportunities.
- Make all social media profiles be coherent (same profile pic, same name etc.)
- Don't bother with Linkedin
- About Building small blocks that won't seem immediately successful or relevant but will help you years down the line...
- What is the intention for your website?
- Look at what other peoples websites are like: Reckless, Rachael Clerke
- Website is a plant that you must water regularly - it may take years to fruit but it can only fruit with water, time and love.
About being freelance:
- Almost impossible to go out straight away and just make a living solely on making and touring your own contemporary theatre... and why would you want to? So many diverse roles: Producing, Teching, Teaching, Marketing,
- Theatre is also a visual art form therefore everything I do connected to my theatre work is visually engaging and cohesive. If you look the part people will believe you.
- Applications - you will fill out a lot of applications - get to the root of the answer, nice and concise, sound interesting, sell your passion
- No matter what you do get used to calling yourself a theatre maker
- You can have a part-time job AND be a freelance theatre-maker
- Surround yourself with a good team - my family, my brother, Mole, Kate Perridge, Neil
- Go see as much as you can!!
- Most difficult part of being freelance is motivating yourself
- Best part of being freelance is I get to go to incredible places and i'm actively doing what love and what I'm passionate about
And I can say I've done this: